
Our Sovereign God

Words: Tom Pennington

Music: Sheila Pennington and Joshua Spacht

 Orchestral Arrangement: Joshua Spacht

Contemporary Arrangement: Ryan Foglesong

Verse 1

Our Sovereign God by His own word

Sustains this world and reigns as Lord.

No angel, demon, sinful man can change

His course, restrain His hand.

O sovereign God, we praise Your pow’r;

Your wisdom, goodness we adore!

We bow our hearts before Your throne;

Help us, O Lord, to trust You more,

Help us, O Lord, to trust You more.

Verse 2

When the fullness of the time had come,

God sent His own Beloved Son.

To keep God’s law, live in our place,

To bear our sin, guilt and disgrace.

Dead in our sin, estranged from God,

We fled as rebels from His love.

In sovereign grace He made us sons,

And saved us from the wrath to come,

And saved us from the wrath to come.

Verse 3

Before our birth He planned our days,

Laid out our course, ordained our ways.

The moments of our lives He weaves

So all the glory He receives.

To those He loved before all time,

To all He called, and grace renewed,

He cannot lie; His word is true,

He makes all things to work for good,

He makes all things to work for good.

Verse 4

He has written history’s final page

His Son’s return will end this age.

The Lamb will come in glorious might,

Take back His world and end its night.

How deep the wisdom of our God,

Unknown, unfathomed are His ways.

None counsels Him or knows His mind.

We bow before Him all our days,

We bow before Him all our days

O sovereign God, we praise Your pow’r;

Your wisdom, goodness we adore!

We bow our hearts before Your throne;

Help us, O Lord, to trust You more,

Help us, O Lord, to trust You more.

“Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord”

–Ephesians 5:19

Our God Has Magnified His Word

Words & Arrangement: Tom and Sheila Pennington and Joshua Spacht

Orchestration: Thomas Grassi

Verse 1

Our God has magnified His Word, just as He has His name,

Complete and holy, sure and true, eternally the same.

Until the earth shakes off its frame, the stars their courses stray,

The smallest letter, slightest stroke will never pass away!

Verse 2

God’s perfect truth in words expressed, the Spirit’s grand design.

Not only true in its great themes, but true in every line.

Though darkness reigns and men may rage, against the light conspire,

Still God is true in all in all His words and every man a liar!

Verse 3

The Word reveals God’s timeless plan, one great, eternal aim,

To save a people for His Son and glorify His name.

From every verse on every page, there is a road that leads

To heaven’s Lord and Calvary’s lamb, to Him who died for me!

Verse 4

Man’s wisdom and his glory fail, as grass they fade and die,

But God’s truth always will remain, “the saints and angels cry!”

O Lord, we tremble at Your Word, and from our hearts believe.

Help us to guard, love and obey the treasure we received!

O Lord, we tremble at Your Word, and from our hearts believe.

Help us to guard, love and obey the treasure we received!

Psalm 23

Words & Music: Tom & Sheila Pennington and Benjamin & Lauren Mason

Verse 1

The LORD, He is my Shepherd King, bought by His blood, my life He claims.

I shall not want for any need for I am His He knows my name.

Verse 2

He leads me by still waters now; in rich green pastures makes me lie.

I trust His wisdom and His care; from his great riches He provides.


His goodness and His steadfast love will follow me through all my days.

Forever, then I’ll see His face, dwell in His house and sing His praise.

Verse 3

When I am tempted and I stray, deceived that sin will make me whole.

He guides me in His righteous paths and He alone restores my soul.

Verse 4

Life’s darkest valleys He designed when shadows fall and darkness nears;

His rod and staff will comfort me. He’s by my side I will not fear.

Verse 5

With joy I’ll sit at His great feast with flowing cup and table spread.

My Lord will rise, greet me as friend, and serve the one for whom He bled.

Psalm 103

Words & Music: Tom & Sheila Pennington and Benjamin & Lauren Mason

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You are free to use any scores, recordings, and resources we have posted here. If you use them in corporate worship, we ask that you do not alter or profit from them in any way. We pray that this music will be used to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and His church.

Ephesians 4:12