Exalting God’s Glory. Explaining God’s Truth.

From Pastor Tom

I am grateful you are visiting The Word Unleashed. Consider partnering with us by subscribing to the ministry and praying for us. My prayer is that the power of God’s Word will be unleashed in your life.

“Preach the word … in season and out of season”

2 Timothy 4:2

Faithful Stewards 2025

Loving Christ by Praying for His Sheep

Nothing is more foundational to the health of our own Christian life than prayer. Unfortunately, it is one of the most neglected Christian disciplines in the church today. But the New Testament is clear: if we are not personally devoted to prayer, it is sin (Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2). The key question that arises is: How can we grow in our understanding and practice of this discipline? That’s why this year’s conference theme is Loving Christ by Praying for His Sheep.

During our time together, we will examine what Scripture teaches about prayer and why it is absolutely necessary for it to permeate our own lives, our families’ lives, and the local churches in which we serve.

Join us on June 27–28, 2025, at Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas, for this important event. Keynote speakers include Tom Pennington, Jonathan Anderson, and Dusty Burris. There is no cost for the conference, but registration is required. Your registration includes dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and a gift of helpful resources.

If you have questions, call (817) 488-5381 or email Lance Burroughs at Lance@countrysidebible.org

Part 6

Trials also provide an environment to grow in wisdom and grace. And, in the end, “[believers]” will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Friend, continue to press on in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Part 5

According to James 1, we are to wisely act in those situations but our higher and greater focus must be on the fact that we are children of God. James doesn’t minimize trials and tribulations but rather teaches that believers must never lose sight of the fact that our heavenly Father is with us at all times, even the difficult ones.

Part 4

 In our study of James 1, Pastor Tom continues to show us from God’s Word that trials serve a key role in transforming the believer to be more like Christ. Trials also put believers in situations where crying out to God is required. And according to James, when believers pray to God, He delights in responding and helping His people.

Part 3

God allows Christians to endure trials and tribulations to produce in them true, godly wisdom. And in God’s providence, He knows that trials uniquely work to this effect. So, rather than wasting a trial, James teaches that believers must embrace and use trials for the purpose of gaining wisdom.

Part 2

According to James 1, God uses trials to bring His people to full maturity in Christ. And as believers, we can either complain about our current circumstances or we can trust that God intends to use them for His purposes—and our ultimate good.

Part 1

The book of James is a collection of teachings and wisdom that He learned from Jesus Christ and pours out to us in this letter. And as we study James 1:2–12 together, he teaches that the troubles of life are God’s tools to refine our character and to produce in us true Christian maturity. 

Part 4

According to Daniel 12, judgment is coming for all of those who do not trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. But Daniel 12 also teaches that we as believers have the blessed and assured hope of eternal life, solely because of what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.

Part 3

In the book of Daniel, God, through the prophet Daniel, records several details about the future for the hope and encouragement of God’s people. Pastor Tom explains the final details of the end of all days, and compels Christians to trust God and his sovereignty over human history and the great rulers of the world.

Part 2

According to Daniel 12, all people, whether unbelievers or believers, will be raised from the dead on the last day, and be given a resurrected body fit for eternity—with God, or apart from Him.

Part 1

The book of Daniel was written to demonstrate the sovereignty of God over human history, that is, that God is on His throne. He has a plan. He’s still working out that plan, and He is in complete control of it.

“For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord”

2 Corinthians 4:5

Sunday Morning Sermons

Expository preaching from the Gospel according to Matthew

Sunday Morning Live Stream

Countryside Bible Church – 9:30 am (CT)


“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Colossians 3:16

Shop the TWU Bookstore

Browse the TWU catalog for “must reads” and latest releases

From Rome to Reformation | Foreword by Joel Beeke

“Tom Pennington’s brief but lucid and engaging book is a reminder that the church of our Lord Jesus Christ must always contend for the faith once for all delivered by God to his church (Jude 3). The issues of ultimate authority, who rules the church, and how God justifies the ungodly, are truths that must be jealously guarded and heralded in every age. In these present times of doctrinal defection and evangelical compromise, Dr. Pennington’s ‘vade mecum’ (a ‘go with me’, a book you can slip into your pocket), is a timely reminder for Bible Christians to stand unashamedly and uncompromisingly on foundational biblical truths.” –Ian Hamilton

The Biblical View of Abortion: God’s Heart for Life in the Womb

Abortion is the big E on the eye chart for ethical issues in our culture. Tom Pennington clearly explains what it is, why common arguments in favor of it fail, and how the Bible teaches that it is wrong. In short, abortion is wrong because it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human.” –Andy Naselli

Three Hallmarks of a Biblical Church Member

“In this concise and penetrating look at church membership, Tom Pennington takes us from the vitality of corporate worship to the practical dynamics of fellowship in the body, giving us fresh eyes to see the joy and spiritual strength of active membership in a local assembly.” –Jerry Wragg

Loving Christ by Leading His Sheep

Loving Christ by Leading His Sheep helps us understand the profound connection between serving others and deepening our own love for Christ. This book provides timeless biblical wisdom and practical guidance, exhorting us to shepherd others with Christ-like compassion and wisdom.” –Brian Murphy


Book Description

By deciding to make man in His own image, God Himself established the value of human life (Gen. 1:27). That sovereign, immutable decision makes abortion one of the greatest moral and ethical issues of our time. For the Christian, the only question about abortion that matters is: “What does the Bible say?”

Tom Pennington has written The Biblical View of Abortion to expose the corrupt spiritual and cultural foundations of abortion and to build a compelling biblical case against abortion by discovering, explaining, and defending the primary biblical arguments. If you already have a biblical understanding of abortion, Tom’s writing will help further strengthen, encourage, and equip you from the Scripture. But if you don’t yet know or embrace the Bible’s teaching on abortion, may the Holy Spirit use these pages to instruct you from His Word so that God’s view of abortion will become yours.

  • Preorder Price: $16.95
  • Dimensions: 5 x 7.5 x .5 in
  • Binding: Hardback, Clothbound, Dust jacket
  • Publication Date: November 2024
  • Page Count: 274
  • Format: Book

Release and Ship Date: In stock!

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