Part 1
John teaches that God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. In context this simply means that God is morally pure.
John teaches that God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. In context this simply means that God is morally pure.
The apostle John describes how our relationship to sin reveals whether we are genuine or false Christians.
True Christians always recognize and admit their inherent sinfulness. On the other hand, false Christians refuse to acknowledge their own sin and spiritual bankruptcy.
God is dependable and will always act in consistency with His character. Therefore, He will always keep His promise to forgive sins.
There are many common ways in which the world and false Christians deny their sin and their sinful nature. The true Christian humbly admits their sin and seeks a gracious Savior.
Christians have an Advocate with the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. And He constantly intercedes on behalf of every person that has repented of their sins and believed upon Him.
Because Christ is our Advocate, Christians can come boldly to the throne of grace to receive help in times of need.
If you haven’t repented and believed in Jesus Christ, you are storing up God’s wrath for an appointed time in the future—and it will come.
The only way that propitiation could be accomplished for your sins is by the voluntary death of a perfectly holy, sinless, God-man. And our Lord Jesus Christ is exactly that.
Jesus is the only Savior of this world, and His satisfaction of God’s wrath at the cross is the only propitiation for all people everywhere. There is no other way for God’s wrath to be satisfied than by the person and work of Jesus.
A false Christian is content with his current condition and does not desire or pursue likeness to Jesus Christ.
A true Christian desires and pursues to be like our Lord Jesus Christ. It is this desire that gives believers assurance of their salvation.
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