The Believer's New Relationship to Sin

The Believer's New Relationship to Sin

1 John 1:5-2:6

Is it possible to know for certain that you have eternal life? According to the apostle John, Christians can have full assurance that we’ve been forgiven of our sins and have been given eternal life. John explains that Christians can have assurance of eternal life based on a new relationship to sin. This simply means that believers no longer love and obey their sin like they did before conversion. Now, they hate their sin and long to obey Jesus Christ in all things. How would you describe your relationship with sin?

Join Tom Pennington as identifies and explains The Believer’s New Relationship to Sin.

Part 1

Part 10

Jesus is the only Savior of this world, and His satisfaction of God’s wrath at the cross is the only propitiation for all people everywhere. There is no other way for God’s wrath to be satisfied than by the person and work of Jesus.