Part 1

Part 1

In Romans 9–10 Paul gives several reasons why Israel, God’s chosen people, have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and the gospel. One of those reasons is that they did not take personal responsibility to obey the words of the Old Testament and the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. They refused to obey the message of the gospel which is to repent and believe. Paul’s message is still applicable today.

Part 1

Part 2

Romans 9–10 teaches that Christians are in right standing with God not because we ourselves have earned any right standing through good works or merit, but solely based on the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Part 1

Part 3

Many individuals think they are religious, but in fact have only a superficial connection to the Bible, church and Christianity. They most likely are trusting in their own good works to earn a right standing with God. But in Romans 9 the apostle Paul explains that Jesus Christ is a “stumbling block” for everyone seeking salvation by their own effort and works.

Part 4

As Christians we need to understand that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our lives. Our life’s desire ought to be shaped and measured against Christ and His word. We want to think like He thinks, to walk like He walks, and to please our Heavenly Father just has He pleased His Father.

Part 1

Part 5

All religions provide two basic options to obtain this necessary righteousness: 1) You can try to establish your own righteousness before God by personal efforts, good works, or religiosity, or 2) You can receive righteousness as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ. In Romans 9 and 10 the apostle Paul explains how faith in Christ is the only legitimate option.

Part 1

Part 6

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans to explain the “Gospel of God” and the fact that man cannot obtain righteousness apart from Jesus Christ. How should we as Christians then live? By championing this truth and being willing to share such good news with our friends, family, co-workers and all who do not know Christ.

Part 1

Part 7

In Romans 10 the apostle Paul teaches that all people must come to Christ on these terms—and we as Christians have embraced this truth by faith. In today’s message, the apostle Paul shows that the gospel message isn’t merely words, but a commitment from the heart to a life centered upon Jesus Christ as Lord.

Part 1

Part 8

If you truly believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ, then you will respond in humility and obedience to Him. If you’re a follower of Christ, rest assured and take comfort if you’ve made that confession and have experienced the spiritual rescue that comes only through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Part 1

Part 9

In Romans 10, after Paul describes every man’s responsibility to believe in the gospel, he explains that such a truth finds its foundation in Scripture. Paul is simply saying that the entire Bible teaches that God only has one way of salvation: through Christ alone and by faith alone.

Part 1

Part 10

The Bible often speaks about calling on God’s name: sometimes for confessing that God is the true God; sometimes for praying to Him; other times it is used for praising Him. But in Romans 10 Paul uses “calling upon the name of the Lord” in a gospel sense: you must call upon Him for the forgiveness of sins. And since our God is a merciful God, the wonderful reality is that He will graciously respond to all who call on Him.

Part 1

Part 11

According to the apostle Paul in Romans 10, God has ordained a normal course by which people come to saving faith: through the preaching and teaching of God’s word. We as Christians have experienced that truth. Whether by the preaching of God’s word or through evangelistic efforts, we have come to realize our sinful condition and the need for the sinless Savior, Jesus Christ, to stand in our behalf.

Part 1

Part 12

In Romans 10 the apostle Paul describes the chronological order of a sinner coming to faith in Jesus Christ. We as Christians often don’t think of the gospel in chronological terms, but Paul shows how important it is to understand the order that God uses bring people to salvation. But as you’ll see, as matter of personal application this reality should motivate you to carry the gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth

Part 1

Part 13

The Bible makes clear that God commands all people everywhere to repent and believe. It is every person’s responsibility to accept God’s way of salvation, which He has provided in the Jesus of the Bible. The sad truth is that there are many who will disobey God at this point and refuse to believe in the only way of salvation. As believers, however, we have obeyed God, embraced the gospel, and received the forgiveness of sins through Christ.

Part 1

Part 14

Romans chapter 10 describes the gospel of Jesus Christ as an invitation to become part of God’s family, as well as a command to obey the God of the universe. The person who does can rest in the wonderful and blessed assurance that they are no longer God’s enemy and no longer under His wrath, but rather a son or daughter adopted into His family.