Your Only Reasonable Response to the Gospel, Part 1
What are the driving motivations that compel Christians to live for God?
What are the driving motivations that compel Christians to live for God?
What does it mean to present your body as a living sacrifice to God?
When the Scripture speaks of Christians living as a sacrifice to God, it means to continually and perpetually live for Him.
Because a Christian’s body belongs to Christ, we must expend constant effort to obey the Scripture in how we use it.
Before we came to Christ we were all controlled by the mindset of the world. Now that we are in Christ, our thinking must be conformed to the Scripture.
Your thinking will always be shaped by influences outside of you. Therefore, it will either be God and His Word or Satan and his ideas that fill your mind.
Not only are we to reject the thinking of our age, we are also commanded to embrace the will of God.
How does the Spirit of God use the Word of God to renew our minds?
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