Part 1
A true subject of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom will always have a right relationship to Scripture. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks of the Old Testament, but the timeless principle He presents relates to all Scripture.
A true subject of Jesus’ spiritual kingdom will always have a right relationship to Scripture. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus speaks of the Old Testament, but the timeless principle He presents relates to all Scripture.
True Christians must be diligent to study both the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament Scripture played an intricate role in the life and teaching ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus clearly taught that He did not come into this world to abolish everything written in the Old Testament. Rather, He came to uniquely fulfill all that was written about Him.
When people refuse to believe the Bible or what Jesus taught about the Bible, they are simply saying that He was either ignorant or dishonest. In addition, they are elevating themselves to the highest position of authority.
In this sermon Jesus gives a profound statement regarding the character and nature of Scripture: it is without error. Theologians call this attribute of Scripture inerrancy. This simply means that the original autographs of Scripture were written without error.
Jesus did not hesitate to rebuke others for not studying and understanding Scripture. This ought to encourage Christians to be faithful in reading and studying the entire Scripture, with the intent of knowing exactly what God has revealed in His word.
Jesus teaches that His true followers must regard every command of God as important. It doesn’t matter whether a command might seem insignificant; God still demands that Christians hold a high view of them.
There are many ways in which Christians can downplay the priority and importance of Scripture. Every follower of Christ must be careful to treat Scripture just as Jesus treated it. This is all the more reason why Christians must be diligent to rightly divide the word of truth.
Jesus exposes the fatally flawed righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees to show that no man can enter the kingdom of God based on personal merit or human righteousness. Only the righteousness of Jesus Christ can provide eternal life to the one that repents of their sins.
In order to get into the kingdom of God you must have a righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. This simply means that you must have a true, authentic righteousness that comes directly from the Lord Jesus Christ.
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