Wars, Rumors of Wars & the Last War

Wars, Rumors of Wars & the Last War

Daniel 11

Daniel chapter 11 is a profound portion of prophetic Scripture that details key events from when Daniel received the vision of God in 536 BC to the future kingdom of God that’s to come at the end of the world. Daniel records these future events to demonstrate that God is the only true God and that there is no one like Him. For us, as Christians, we need to understand that God, from eternity past, has decreed an all-wise and perfect plan and that He is bringing it to pass according to His will, for His glory and our good. Join Tom Pennington as he gives an in-depth explanation from Daniel 11 about Wars, Rumors of Wars & the Last War. 

Part 1

Part 1

At its heart, Daniel 11 is an apologetic for who God is—that He is sovereign over all things. This chapter describes future events that only a sovereign God could decree and bring to pass. And in God’s providence, He has determined to reveal these future events to His prophet Daniel, which he then records in Scripture.

Part 1

Part 2

The God of the Bible stands in stark contrast to finite leaders. Daniel chapter 11 reassures us, as Christians, that God is reigning and ruling from His throne, sovereignly orchestrating every detail of His perfect plan.

Part 1

Part 3

The Bible is full of rich history, describing the acts of the Almighty God and his rule over all the world. But Scripture also describes how God cares for and has compassion for His people. Both of those great realities come together in Daniel chapter 11, where God prophetically reveals—in great detail—future history for the purpose of comforting His people as they live and setting a part for His glory in the world.

Part 1

Part 5

Daniel’s vision and prophecy in Daniel 11 span the course of human history, beginning with events that happened 300 years after his time and progressing to future events that haven’t transpired yet. As chapter 11 ends, Daniel describes a man known as Antichrist, the greatest and last human ruler the earth will ever see.

Part 1

Part 6

At its heart, Daniel 11 is a powerful reminder and great reassurance for us, as Christians, that God is on His throne and that one day all the kingdoms and nations will be handed over to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Until then, rulers, empires, and governments will rise and fall; they will be here one day and then gone another. But for God and His plan and purposes, they will never be shaken.