War and Peace: Learning to Deal with Conflict, Part 1
The first step when dealing with conflict is to identify the true source of the conflict.
The first step when dealing with conflict is to identify the true source of the conflict.
The temptations and conflicts that we struggle with in this life flow from the cravings of our own hearts.
It is critical to understand that when you’re involved in a quarrel or an argument with someone else, the true source of the conflict is not the issue being argued. In fact, the problem lies in the desires of your own heart.
All human conflict can be traced back to one common source: the unmet cravings of your sinful heart.
Not only must we identify the true source of conflict, we must also recognize the real sin behind the conflict. How do you identify the real sin that lies behind arguing, fighting and quarreling?
Worldliness means to pursue sinful pleasures with reckless abandon in order to find purpose in this life.
Another practical step when dealing with conflict is to properly apply the right solution.
We must continually rely on grace during times of conflict resolution. Specifically, we need forgiving grace, that is forgiveness for our quarreling and our arguing. Secondly, we need sanctifying grace, which empowers us to live in obedience and a whole-hearted allegiance to God.
Pride is the soul’s greatest enemy because it isolates us from the grace of God.
God has sovereignly determined to give grace only to those who humble themselves before Him.
Every time we sin we have concluded in our own minds that we know better than God knows.
How can you cultivate godly sorrow in your heart? You must contemplate the goodness of God toward you and if you really dwell on that truth, it will drive you to a godly sorrow over sin.
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Seleucid king who greatly persecuted the Jews, the people of God, during the 2nd century BC. But 250–300 years before that persecution began, Daniel wrote an incredibly accurate prophecy describing how such horrific things would happen to the nation of Israel.
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