Part 1
The book of Revelation reveals not only God’s justice but, surprisingly, it showcases His mercy and grace. Until the end of time, God reaches out to call sinners to repent and trust in His Son Jesus Christ for salvation.
The book of Revelation reveals not only God’s justice but, surprisingly, it showcases His mercy and grace. Until the end of time, God reaches out to call sinners to repent and trust in His Son Jesus Christ for salvation.
During the seven-year tribulation period, God will use 144,000 believing Jews to ignite one of the greatest revivals in human history, demonstrating His desire for sinners to come to a saving knowledge of the truth.
During the future seven-year tribulation period described in Revelation 7, the apostle John calls our attention to a multitude of believers in heaven–a multitude so great that no one can count them. This group represents every nation on earth—of all ethnicities and languages.
The book of Revelation teaches that God has an eternal plan and that He is working out that plan according to His great purposes. Every event described in Revelation has a purpose–and so does everything that happens to us as Christians today.
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