Part 1
The foundational sin that has created our culture’s many problems and moral confusion is the abandonment of the true God.
The foundational sin that has created our culture’s many problems and moral confusion is the abandonment of the true God.
Our culture is trending in the wrong direction on all the moral questions of our times because of its fundamental departure from and dismissal of God.
There are several explanations the word of God gives for our culture’s efforts to silence the Scripture.
Scripture calls every Christian to abandon all other authorities and to embrace God’s word alone as our sole authority.
The culture continues to adapt the idea of moral relativism on their continued downward spiral of rejecting God.
According to Scripture, all morality is rooted in the character and nature of God.
Our culture has actively continued attempting to erase all traces of what the Bible teaches about sexuality and gender.
The foundational truths for both sex and gender are found in the inerrant word of God.
Our culture has rejected the objective biblical declaration that God created humanity in His image as male and female, and has embraced in its place a subjective, unproven secular philosophy called gender theory.Our culture has rejected the objective biblical declaration that God created humanity in His image as male and female, and has embraced in its place a subjective, unproven secular philosophy called gender theory.
Christians should embrace the teaching of Scripture when confronted with difficult questions about sexuality and gender.Christians should embrace the teaching of Scripture when confronted with difficult questions about sexuality and gender.
The Bible is not silent about sexuality and gender. Rather, it speaks clearly and authoritatively on these issues.
The biblical gospel has the power to save anyone who repents of their sins and puts their trust in Jesus Christ.
The social justice movement does not use traditional definitions in their arguments. It is critical to establish biblical definitions when dealing with this issue.
The only permanent solution to racism is individual conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How is the social justice movement and Critical Race Theory expressing itself in the culture?
Jesus Christ is the only person who can grant us peace with God and with the people around us.
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