Part 1
In their attempts to keep people from breaking God’s Law, the Pharisees put fences between the people and God’s Law. They created an artificial system of rules and regulations that had almost nothing to do with God’s commandments.
In their attempts to keep people from breaking God’s Law, the Pharisees put fences between the people and God’s Law. They created an artificial system of rules and regulations that had almost nothing to do with God’s commandments.
Christians must be careful not to distort or twist the meaning of Scripture—that is exactly what happened with the Pharisees of the first century.
The Pharisees were the superficially religious leaders of the day. In fact, Jesus called them hypocrites because they were pretending to be something they were not.
First-century Judaism had become completely worthless because the religious leaders had truly abandoned the authoritative Word of God.
Legalism and human tradition ultimately lead to the view that salvation can only be received through works and human righteousness.
Those who teach false systems of religion and enslave others in them receive the most extreme condemnation from our Lord Jesus Christ.
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