The Rich, Young Ruler

The Rich, Young Ruler

Mark 10:17-27
What must a person do to inherit eternal life? Sadly, many believe that salvation can be achieved by human effort and good works, and that in the end it comes down to a matter of your good works outweighing the bad. This unbiblical understanding of salvation isn’t a modern concept. The rich, young ruler that Jesus encountered in Mark 10 believed salvation could be obtained apart from a miraculous work of God. Christ emphasizes to the rich, young ruler that salvation is not humanly impossible. It can only be accomplished by a divine miracle of God’s grace.
Join Tom Pennington as he explains a biblical view of salvation from Jesus’ conversation with The Rich, Young Ruler.
Part 1

Part 1

If you have a right understanding of salvation then you have a right understanding of the gospel. And it is only the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves people from their sin. On a personal level, if you are not in Christ, you need to understand that only God can accomplish salvation for you—only He can give you a new heart.

Part 1

Part 2

Jesus and the apostles both upheld the Old Testament as the word of God, which was to be read, studied and applied by the people of God. In our passage, Christ uses the Old Testament Law as the starting point to His presentation of the gospel, in order to expose the darkness of the rich, young ruler’s heart.

Part 1

Part 3

When Jesus presents the gospel to the rich, young ruler in Mark 10, He says nothing of a works- or merit-based system. Rather, He calls for the young man to forsake his own life, repent of his sins, and trust in Him alone.

Part 1

Part 4

The beauty of Scripture is that it presents eternal, unchanging truths about God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, for Christians, it also provides practical ways to live out such truths in the life of your local church…and in the world around you.