The One Anothers, Part 1
A recurring theme throughout Scripture is that the people of God are commanded to love one another.
A recurring theme throughout Scripture is that the people of God are commanded to love one another.
Truly loving one another means there is no service that is too low or menial to do for one another.
The Scripture teaches that believers are to be an encouragement to other believers. In particular, Christians are supposed to edify and build one another up for the glory of God.
The people of the church are to be characterized by loving and caring for one another on a daily basis, and by looking to Jesus as the perfect example of such behavior.
Christians must cultivate a biblical mindset and Christ-like attitude towards one another.
Christians must allow the Word of God to be the rock on which we build our attitude towards and interaction with other believers.
According to James 3, Christians must be extremely careful in how they speak to one another. Words can be uplifting and edifying, but at the same time they have the power to destroy.
Believers are supposed to be instruments in God’s hands that promote each other’s spiritual growth by the words we speak.
Christians must speak the truth of God’s Word into the lives of other brothers and sisters in Christ. Believers are commanded to encourage one another in this way.
A believer’s first and foremost concern should be about their own personal sin. However, Christians must also help others confront and deal with their own sins as well.
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