Part 1
Pre-millennialism teaches that at the end of a future, 7-year Tribulation, Christ will return in the Second Coming just before He establishes a literal 1000-year reign on this earth that He renews and restores.
Pre-millennialism teaches that at the end of a future, 7-year Tribulation, Christ will return in the Second Coming just before He establishes a literal 1000-year reign on this earth that He renews and restores.
According to Scripture, there are actually three different resurrections that will transpire. For us, as Christians, we need to understand these resurrections, because they have been revealed in Scripture and because they will help us understand the final events of human history—culminating in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of His kingdom
The book of Revelation describes that after Jesus’ second coming to the earth, He will renew the earth and establish a literal world-wide kingdom, where He will reign and rule with His people for a thousand years. His return is indeed the glorious hope, but why is the teaching on a literal Millennial reign so controversial?
Pastor Tom builds a case for pre-millennialism and argues that it is the best understanding of one of the most difficult chapters in all of Scripture. As Bereans, we must always ask ourselves: What does the Bible Say? So, it is important that we, as Christians, listen to the biblical arguments and let God’s Word be the final authority
Tom Pennington considers several features that will mark the future 1,000-year period in which Christ will reign on this earth. As Tom will show us, it’s during that time when our Lord Jesus Christ will renew planet Earth, restoring it in such a way that it will resemble the pre-cursed world that Genesis chapters 1–2 describe!
As Christians, we can be confident that Christ is seated on His throne—and that nothing will be able to usurp or remove Him from His rightful position of power.
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