The Keynote of Romans, Part 1
Paul recognized that the gospel, by its very nature, is something that Christians are constantly tempted to be ashamed of. How do we combat that temptation?
Paul recognized that the gospel, by its very nature, is something that Christians are constantly tempted to be ashamed of. How do we combat that temptation?
Paul teaches that Christians can’t be ashamed of the very instrument that God uses—the gospel— to bring spiritual life to dead souls.
Christians cannot be ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it requires no human work or merit. In other words, believers don’t earn salvation, they simply repent and believe and receive it.
Is any sinner beyond the reach of God’s saving grace? According to the apostle Paul, the gospel message is appropriate for every person—it is God’s universal message to all mankind.
What is the righteousness that the gospel promises? It is the righteousness of God through Christ that justifies the repentant sinner.
Christians must not be ashamed of the gospel because it is the only way of salvation. Apart from God’s gospel, there is no salvation under heaven.
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