Part 1
Biblical worship that truly honors God is built on three foundation principles that every Christian must understand and apply.
Biblical worship that truly honors God is built on three foundation principles that every Christian must understand and apply.
It is important to understand the biblical history of idolatry in order to learn how to combat and avoid it.
All forms of idolatry ultimately find attractiveness in self-centered gratification. This is a common factor in all pagan worship.
Satan’s method for leading humanity away from the worship of the true God is to manufacture the construction of all kinds of false gods and idols.
The first commandment deals with the “object” of our worship: there is only one God and He and He alone is to be the object of our worship.
The most current breach of the first commandment in nominally Christian communities is the sin of inordinate affections.
The first biblical response to idolatry is to get rid of everything connected to your idolatry. You must rid your life of everything that feeds idolatry.
Christians must seek to daily find all their pleasure and delight in God.
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