Sovereign (S)election, Part 1
Is the doctrine of election a man-made construct, or is it truly found in the Scriptures?
Is the doctrine of election a man-made construct, or is it truly found in the Scriptures?
Election is absolutely sovereign—God predetermined before the foundation of the world who He would save.
The doctrine of election teaches that God’s sovereign choice was individual and personal in nature.
Understanding the doctrine of election will produce a greater love for God and will transform your Christian life and experience.
Was the doctrine of unconditional election taught throughout church history?
Does the doctrine of election completely remove the need to evangelize the lost?
The doctrine of election provides great benefits and blessings to Christians as they navigate through this life.
The doctrine of election deepens our understanding of the love that God has for His people.
God chose you to create a redeemed humanity—to make you holy and blameless before Him, and so that you would be like Jesus Christ in your moral character.
As a Christian, how should you respond to the reality that God adopted you into his family as a son or daughter?
The ultimate purpose behind the doctrine of election is to magnify the glory of God.
The Bible presents six ways in which Christians can glorify God on a daily basis.
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