Part 1
Daniel’s prayer to God the Father is a wonderful example of how one ought to pray. In other words, Daniel’s prayer provides a pattern for how Christians should pray.
Daniel’s prayer to God the Father is a wonderful example of how one ought to pray. In other words, Daniel’s prayer provides a pattern for how Christians should pray.
Christians must be eager to confess their sins before a holy God. In addition, Christians must never take sin lightly; rather, they should have godly sorrow over it.
Daniel desired for God’s people to be truly restored to Him—his prayer ultimately sought to bring glory to God. Likewise, Christians should pray with the goal of God’s glory in mind.
Christians must bring their requests and supplications before God, knowing that He will respond according to His will and good pleasure.
God is profoundly concerned about the needs of His children and responds to their prayer. Therefore, Christians must be committed to bringing their concerns before God.
God has a plan for human history and it is currently coming to pass exactly as He has planned. God reveals part of this plan to Daniel in response to his prayer.
One of the most astounding prophecies in all of Scripture comes at the conclusion of Daniel 9. In this prophecy God reveals what will happen in Israel’s future.
God is sovereign over human history and Christians must rest in the fact that God’s purposes will be done. Daniel was confident in this reality, and we should be as well.
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