Part 1
There are many great themes woven throughout the book of Ruth: providence, redemption, grace, and even sin and judgment.
The book of Ruth has been called a perfect story. One writer has said that it is one of the most delightful compositions in all of the ancient world. It is remarkable that the book of Ruth is 3000 years old yet it still meets the standard for a good story today. In God’s providence, He has used the book of Ruth to illustrate sin and judgment, and deliverance and redemption. Equally as important, Ruth also points to the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom true redemption is found.
Join Tom Pennington as he walks through this amazing story, Ruth: A Story of Redemption.
There are many great themes woven throughout the book of Ruth: providence, redemption, grace, and even sin and judgment.
Ruth is a story of God in His providence using human sin to accomplish His best and grandest plan: the plan of redemption through Christ.
God demonstrates Himself to be a Savior by restoring the land from drought and famine to food production, by restoring Naomi from sin to repentance, and by converting Ruth from idolatry to salvation.
Ruth is a remarkable story of repentance and the spiritual restoration of God’s own, and the spiritual conversion of one of God’s enemies.
The book of Ruth teaches that salvation is desperately needed for all people, including both Orpah and Ruth.
The book of Ruth teaches that if you want to know the true God, He demands that you turn from your idols and put your complete confidence in Him.
The God of the Bible always cares for those who have come to find refuge and strength in Him.
The providence of God is greatly manifested in the series of events that unfold in the book of Ruth. In fact, God’s providence is one of the major themes of this book.
God uses the obedience and compassion of the righteous—those who belong to Him—to care for others who belong to Him.
One of the main ways that God cares for believers is by letting His people shepherd and care for them.
Boaz does what God commands righteous people to do in His word: he looks out for those in need and he cares for those who find themselves in difficulty. That’s how God met Naomi and Ruth’s needs.
God’s own steadfast love is displayed by the way He earnestly seeks to care for the needs of His people.
The book of Ruth teaches that believers can trust God because He has always had a plan, even in the seemingly insignificant details of life.
Believers must disregard our own schemes and our own manipulations to solve our problems. We must be determined to do things God’s way as it is written in His word.
God in His providence uses wise plans carried out in obedience to His word to provide for those who seek refuge in Him.
Naomi urged Ruth to be obedient to the Scripture and then patiently wait for God to fulfill His plans. This type of timeless counsel and response ought to be modeled by every Christian.
The book of Ruth reminds believers of the spiritual and eternal way God rescues His people—through the one Redeemer He has appointed, the ultimate descendant of Boaz and Ruth, His Son, Jesus the Messiah.
God is our Redeemer. And He will stop at nothing to care for His people and to fulfill both His temporal and His eternal plans for us.
Chapter 4 of Ruth reveals that God not only provided a redeemer for Ruth, but He also provided a redeemer for Naomi.
In His sovereign providence, God worked within the events of the book of Ruth, more than a thousand years before Christ, to accomplish His saving purposes.
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