Not Even One! Part 1
In order to best understand the concept of human depravity, one must first understand what human depravity is not.
In order to best understand the concept of human depravity, one must first understand what human depravity is not.
From God’s perspective, all humanity is equally guilty and condemned because of their sins against Him.
Paul strings together a number of Old Testament texts to prove the sinfulness of mankind.
No person on this planet seeks God by their own initiative. Rather, mankind is so depraved that they actually seek everything but God.
Man’s depravity manifests itself with toxic speech that does not honor nor glorify God.
Unredeemed humanity shows their wickedness by using words that are full of cursing and bitterness.
Another way in which mankind manifests its wickedness is through violent, rebellious acts.
True Christians acknowledge that Jesus Christ saved them from the debt and consequence of their wickedness and sin.
Unbelievers demonstrate their unbelief by continuing in their sins. Believers demonstrate their belief in Christ by obeying His Word.
Sinners do not fear God because their sin blinds them from truly understanding who He is.
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