Part 1
Authentic saving faith is only found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Faith in the biblical Jesus and the biblical gospel is the only faith that offers true forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Authentic saving faith is only found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Faith in the biblical Jesus and the biblical gospel is the only faith that offers true forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
This story captures the heart of Jesus’ ministry: that He has compassion on sinners who are willing to turn from their sins and put their faith and trust in Him. When Jesus encountered a demon-possessed boy, the boy’s father knew he could only trust in Christ to handle the situation.
In this remarkable story, a young boy and His father experience the power of darkness and of Satan, yet at the same time they find themselves face to face with God Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. And in an act of divine sovereignty, Jesus brings the father from weak faith to saving faith.
In Mark 9 Jesus wanted the demon-possessed boy’s father to see that there is no problem that is too great for Him to fix. And the same is true of Jesus Christ today—He is willing to show compassion and grace, and to help those who come to Him.
When Jesus encounters the demon-possessed boy in Mark 9, the people present responded differently as relates to faith: The scribes had no faith; the father of the boy had weak faith; Jesus’ twelve disciples manifested little faith.
This amazing interaction between Jesus and the demon-possessed boy, highlights the great need to have real, authentic faith in Jesus Christ.
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