Part 1

Part 2

Moses, the human author of Genesis, writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit about the biblical foundation of marriage. Not only does Genesis record the first marriage between Adam and Eve, it also lays down the fundamental biblical convictions about every marriage—including your marriage.

Part 1

Part 3

According to Genesis 2, God teaches that marriage deserves the highest priority because of the unique covental relationship that is formed between man and woman. The Bible teaches that marriage is to be superior to all other relationships.

Part 1

Part 4

Pastor Tom continues to walk through Genesis 2, the foundational passage that defines and describes a marriage that honors God. Many practical truths can be gleaned from such a rich passage of Scripture. And if you want your marriage to honor God and if you want your marriage to be preserved during the highs and lows of life, you must know God’s Word and then apply it to your life.

Part 1

Part 5

Unfortunately, marriage, and particularly the wife’s role in marriage, is under attack from the unbelieving world. In fact, the attacks have reached such a degree that some teach marriage is a means for men to control women. But such teaching doesn’t represent what the Bible says.

Part 1

Part 6

The Bible teaches that God has designed and defined marriage. In addition, God’s Word lays out clear roles in marriage—for both the husband and wife. So although man and woman have equal status as image-bearers of God, they have differing roles they’ve been assigned.

Part 1

Part 7

Genesis 2 isn’t the only passage that defines marriage and the specific roles that God has assigned to husbands and wives. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul takes up this issue in Ephesians 5 and Titus 2 to further explain God’s view of marriage and how Christians should respond.

Part 1

Part 8

According to Paul’s letter to Titus, there are several key duties of a godly Christian wife that a biblical family must embrace and actively seek to implement. Marriage is designed for the glory of God—and how we conduct ourselves in marriage matters.

Part 1

Part 10

As men are called by God to be the head of their homes and to lead their wives, they must embrace what the apostle Paul teaches in Ephesians 5: They men are to love their wives sacrificially—like Christ loved the church. And they are to love their wives in a sanctifying manner—leading them in their pursuit of holiness.

Part 1

Part 11

In many Christian homes today, the wife ends up being the spiritual leader by default because husbands don’t reflect the biblical mandate outlined in Scripture. In Genesis 2 and Ephesians 5, the authors of Scripture describe that husbands are assigned by God the role of headship and leadership.

Part 1

Part 12

At its heart, marriage isn’t ultimately about the husband or wife. God did, in His goodness, give you a spouse for each other’s encouragement and edification and much more. But marriage is primarily a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.

Part 1

Part 13

In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul teaches that communication is vital for the health and longevity of marriage. Pastor Tom explains the kind of speech that must characterize your conversation with your spouse as you interact with each other on a daily basis.

Part 1

Part 14

As Christians, our speech must be marked by wholesome words that honor our great God. In our marriages, we must seek never to let unwholesome words come out of our mouth, but only those that are in accordance with grace.

Part 1

Part 15

For us, as Christians, communication is to be used to edify and build up one another as well as honor and bless God. And the same is true for marriages and families. Christian communication is characterized by choosing gracious words but also by using words that are always truthful and honest.

Part 1

Part 17

For every one of us, conflict is an unavoidable reality—there is no way of fully escaping it. As Christians, we have a new nature, but we still live in our flesh—our unredeemed humanness. Therefore, we sometimes communicate and respond in our marriages in ways that are sinful. Thankfully, the apostle Paul has given us Ephesians 4 to help believers become better communicators in marriage.

Part 1

Part 18

In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul makes a case that all Christians, particularly those in a marriage covenant, must communicate in a way that honors God and edifies one another. But the sinful flesh makes communication in marriage challenging at times. So it is crucial not only to understand the biblical teaching on communication but to apply it.

Part 1

Part 19

The apostle Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 6 argues that the primary goal of every marriage and family is that they be God-centered and God-focused. In other words, the aim and ambition of every family is the glory of God.