Part 1
Christians must pray that God be glorified in all things. This theological reality ought to govern every aspect of our prayers.
Christians must pray that God be glorified in all things. This theological reality ought to govern every aspect of our prayers.
The Bible teaches that God glorifies Himself in a variety of ways in our world today. As believers we must embrace these realities during our prayers.
The plan and purposes of God must be a consistent focus in the prayer life of every believer.
Christians must pray that the reign and rule of Christ be extended across the world today.
True believers must reject any and every will except that of our heavenly Father, including our own self-will.
The Scripture reveals God’s will for all men who come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Christians must rely upon the grace of God to provide everything necessary for this life. At the same time, believers are supposed to work hard and be diligent with what God provides.
The fact that God provides anyone with anything is a testimony to His grace and goodness.
Every Christian must acknowledge the reality of their own personal sinfulness before a holy God.
The good news of the gospel of Christ is that God is willing to forgive those who repent of their sins and turn to His Son.
Jesus teaches His disciples that they must have a real pursuit and progression of holiness throughout their life.
Jesus teaches His disciples that they must have a real pursuit and progression of holiness throughout their life.
Christians should constantly request that God help them fight every single temptation to sin.
Christians must be willing to take extreme measures to guard against falling into various temptations and sins.
In conclusion, this model prayer focuses on praising God for who He is and what He has accomplished.
Christians should earnestly seek to incorporate the pattern of The Lord’s Prayer in their prayer lives.
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