Part 1
Every moment of our Christian lives we are locked in a life-and-death struggle with unseen spiritual forces.
Every moment of our Christian lives we are locked in a life-and-death struggle with unseen spiritual forces.
Since the war between God and Satan takes place in the minds of men, the war focuses on thoughts and ideas. These things need to be brought under the power of the word of God and the Spirit of God.
In Ephesians 6 the metaphor Paul uses to describe Christians is ‘soldiers in the Lord’s army.’ As soldiers we have been given very specific orders to follow and fulfill.
How can Christians be strengthened to fight in this war of the mind? We must daily put on the full armor of God.
Christians must put on the full armor of God in order to stand firm against the schemes of the evil one.
Satan uses several primary strategies to keep unbelievers from understanding and believing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our great General has defeated Satan at the cross, and as Christians we are to hold our ground until He returns at His second coming.
Satan loves to attack the Scripture by questioning its authority and sufficiency. In addition, he also promotes the idea that Scripture isn’t true.
Satan attacks the word of God by distorting the true person of Jesus Christ and corrupting the true gospel of salvation by faith alone.
Christians must be able to discern between the true preachers of God’s word and those who are false teachers.
According to the New Testament, Satan carefully orchestrates hostility against Christ and His church. He does this at national, regional, and even personal levels.
Although Satan intends to use persecution and hostility for evil, God sovereignly uses it for His purposes and the good of every Christian.
Regardless of how old or young you are, how long or short a time you’ve been a Christian, how spiritually immature or mature you are, if you’re a Christian then you are in a spiritual war for your entire lifetime.
Sadly, most Christians think that the Christian life is all a matter of ‘my will power, my decisions, and my expending the right amount of human effort.’ Paul rejects that idea and teaches that Christians must put on God’s armor.
There are several misconceptions about the armor of God that Christians need to remove from their minds.
The armor of God is built upon objective truths about who God is and what God does. In addition, the armor is directly related to what God has done in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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