He Will Hold Me Fast

He Will Hold Me Fast

Romans 8:31-39
Is it possible for Christians to have assurance of salvation and be completely secure in Christ? In chapter 8 of his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul gives several reasons to develop his argument for the absolute security of every Christian. In other words, if you are truly saved, Romans 8 teaches that you are secure, and nothing can ever separate the theological and experiential reality. Join Tom Pennington as e he explains from Romans 8 that God has eternally loved every Christian, and nothing can change that reality: He Will Hold Me Fast.
Part 1

Part 1

For us as Christians, this doctrine assures us that we were once justified, are currently being sanctified, that is, transformed to the image of Christ, and will one day be glorified with Christ and His people in the new heaven and earth. Nothing can take away those realities from those who truly know Christ.

Part 1

Part 2

The apostle Paul teaches from Romans 8 that God has displayed the magnitude of His love by giving His Son to die for the sins of all of those who would believe in Him. And because God has done that, there is no accusation that anyone or anything can bring that would annul what God has done for us as Christians through Jesus Christ.

Part 1

Part 3

Is there any entity that can separate, in any way, the believer’s relationship with God through Jesus Christ? The wonderful answer to that question comes directly from Scripture. In Romans 8, the apostle Paul explains how the true believer’s faith can never be destroyed.

Part 1

Part 4

According to the apostle Paul, the Lord Jesus Christ preserves and protects all His people from ever forfeiting true salvation. You, believer, can rest assured and be confident that nothing will annul what God has done through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Part 1

Part 5

Is it possible for a believer’s justification before God to be threatened? Romans 8 teaches that we, as Christians, are overwhelmingly conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord. And because of this profound reality and the greatness of God’s love, the righteous declaration from God’s courtroom will never truly be threatened by anything in this created world.

Part 1

Part 6

In Romans 8 the apostle Paul teaches that one or no thing in this created world is able to destroy the salvation of a true believer. And if that’s you, friend, be encouraged: Our great God will hold you fast for all of eternity.