Part 1
God is infinitely worthy to sit on the universe’s throne and to judge its treacherous rebellion against Him, and He will delegate that judgment to the Son.
God is infinitely worthy to sit on the universe’s throne and to judge its treacherous rebellion against Him, and He will delegate that judgment to the Son.
The 24 elders around God’s throne are representatives of redeemed humans, specifically of both Old Testament and New Testament believers.
Revelation 4 describes a distinct class of angelic beings not mentioned elsewhere in Scripture—they are the exalted guardians of God’s throne.
In the great hymn at the end of Revelation 4 God is described as the Creator God who has the right to redeem His creation and to judge it.
In Revelation 5 God holds a mysterious scroll that becomes the centerpiece for the entire book of Revelation.
God’s scroll is most likely a title deed to the entire earth. The scroll’s seals are the judgments our Lord will unleash on the earth to redeem it from its curse and restore it to its rightful owner.
Revelation 5 describes the Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, as being enthroned with God the Father and being the One who is worthy of breaking the seven seals on the scroll.
By His sacrificial death the Lamb has taken control of the course of history and guaranteed its future. He alone is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll.
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