Caught in the Act, Part 1
The purpose of God’s holy and righteous law is to reflect His character and expose the sinfulness of mankind.
The purpose of God’s holy and righteous law is to reflect His character and expose the sinfulness of mankind.
The reason God gave His law was to show you that you can never measure up to His standard; you can never earn your way into His favor.
Paul shows how the Holy Spirit uses the righteous law of God to bring every sinner to a knowledge and understanding of their sin.
Because of the sinfulness of sin, it will deceive you into thinking that God’s holy law is unrighteous and evil.
Not only does God’s moral law reveal the sinfulness of every human being, it also reveals the deadly consequences of such sinfulness.
Every sin that you struggle with has a corresponding virtue that should be put on in its place. In other words, you must identify your sin struggles, repent, and then put on the opposite virtue.
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