Part 1
Jesus explains how the scribes and Pharisees misinterpreted and misrepresented the Old Testament teaching on “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”
Jesus explains how the scribes and Pharisees misinterpreted and misrepresented the Old Testament teaching on “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”
Jesus isn’t teaching that Christians should retaliate. Rather, He is teaching a foundational principle for the just legal system: the punishment must fit the crime.
To seek personal revenge is either to desire to act, or actually to act, to inflict harm on someone because of a past insult or injury.
Christians must never pay back evil for evil to anyone. We must never harbor a grudge or any feelings of resentment.
The Lord Jesus Christ teaches how Christians should respond to intentional attacks on our personal property.
Christians must imitate our Father in heaven by loving our enemies who despise and hate us.
Christians must rightly respond to intrusion and attacks on our personal liberty by governmental authorities.
How should we treat those who wrong us? Jesus requires that we love them, pray for them, and seek their best interest.
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