Part 1

Part 1

Luke describes Jesus as the Son of Man who came into this world to seek and save those who are lost. In the series, we see the beginning of that journey with the miraculous conception and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Part 1

Part 2

According to Luke chapter 2, not only is Jesus Christ fully God, but He is also fully man. Theologians call this reality the hypostatic union, that Jesus Christ is one person with two natures: He is truly God, and truly man. And the Bible gives two responses to that amazing truth: You must accept His claims and repent of your sins and entrust your faith in Him for salvation, or you can reject His words and spend eternity apart from Him.

Part 1

Part 3

Luke chapter 2 powerfully demonstrates that Jesus Christ is qualified to be the Messiah—one of the pieces of evidence that proves this reality is that Christ was born from the right line into the right family.

Part 1

Part 4

At first glance, Jesus’ royal birth seems unremarkable, in that he lay in a stone feed trough inside a cave, there in the small town Bethlehem. But as we’ll discover, God used these humble circumstances to fulfill Old Testament prophecies, and to teach His people several great spiritual lessons.