Exalting God’s Glory. Explaining God’s Truth.

A Note From Pastor Tom

I am grateful you are visiting The Word Unleashed. It is a joy to serve as Pastor-Teacher at Countryside Bible Church, where I have the wonderful opportunity to preach God’s Word and worship alongside people who love Christ and His Word.

Consider partnering with us by subscribing to the ministry and praying for us. I look forward to our partnership, and it is my prayer that the power of God’s Word will be unleashed in your life.

Part 10

The Bible teaches that every sin you have ever committed carries with it enough guilt to deserve God’s eternal wrath and judgment. This is true for every single person that has ever lived, with Jesus Christ Himself being the only exception. But why is that? Well according to the Scripture, Christ lived a perfect life without sin.

Part 9

The Bible teaches that God is Holy, and His law is absolute perfection. While the kind and degree of everyone’s sin may be different, our standing and status before God is exactly the same—we are dead in our trespasses and sins and are guilty before Him, deserving only His wrath and condemnation.

Part 8

For the apostle Paul, he lost his lifestyle. He lost his home and friends. He lost his family, associations, property, possessions, inheritance, and his reputation. For Paul, coming to Christ indeed meant losing everything.

Part 7

God’s Word teaches that Justification is always accompanied by dramatic change. But what kind of change? In Acts 9, the apostle Paul experienced a divine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. This left Paul with a radical change in his thinking—specifically, that all his works and merits would never grant him salvation before a holy God.

Part 6

According to Scripture, if your reliance is on your merit, background, societal class, achievements, efforts, or even religious things like baptism and communion, you’ll never be in right standing before God. How then, you might ask, can anyone be saved?

Part 5

The philosophies and false religions of our day teach that man is inherently good and that he can save himself, or as some may think, has no need of saving! Such thinking, however, is contrary to what the Bible teaches. In Philippians 3, the apostle Paul freely acknowledges he could not earn a right standing or a verdict of “righteous” before a holy God based on anything he had done.

Part 4

In Philippians 3, the apostle Paul describes the value he had come to place on his own accomplishments—he calls them rubbish. It’s the most polite Greek word for excrement. Put in graphic terms, the word illustrates just how worthless Paul considered his own righteousness was for salvation.

Part 3

Prior to his conversion, the apostle Paul’s total confidence of salvation before God rested in what he had inherited—and the things he’d done and accomplished. But once his eyes were opened by the truth of the gospel, Paul understood his only hope was to depend on the Lord Jesus Christ for His righteousness.

Part 2

While the apostle Paul in Romans makes a logical argument for and presents his legal defense of the doctrine of justification, it’s in Philippians where he gives his own personal testimony and shows how this precious doctrine came to fruition in his own life.

Part 1

In the book of Romans, Paul makes a logical argument for and presents his legal defense of the doctrine of justification. In Philippians, he gives his personal testimony of justification and shows how this doctrine came to fruition in his own life. He contrasts his previous confidence in his own works-based righteousness with the gospel and the righteousness he received as a gift from God through Christ.



Book Description

  By deciding to make man in His own image, God Himself established the value of human life (Gen. 1:27). That sovereign, immutable decision makes abortion one of the greatest moral and ethical issues of our time. For the Christian, the only question about abortion that matters is: “What does the Bible say?”

Tom Pennington has written The Biblical View of Abortion to expose the corrupt spiritual and cultural foundations of abortion and to build a compelling biblical case against abortion by discovering, explaining, and defending the primary biblical arguments. If you already have a biblical understanding of abortion, Tom’s writing will help further strengthen, encourage, and equip you from the Scripture. But if you don’t yet know or embrace the Bible’s teaching on abortion, may the Holy Spirit use these pages to instruct you from His Word so that God’s view of abortion will become yours.

  • Preorder Price: $16.95
  • Dimensions: 5 x 7.5 x .5 in
  • Binding: Hardback, Clothbound, Dust jacket
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Page Count: 165+
  • Format: Book

 Release and Ship Date: November 2024 | *Orders containing this book will not ship until the date above. Thanks for your understanding!

“For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord…”

–2 Corinthians 4:5


This fall, Pastor Tom is preaching through the Gospel According to Matthew.

Sunday Morning Live Stream

Countryside Bible Church – 9:30 am Central Time


“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Colossians 3:16

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Subscribe to The Word Unleashed to receive a free copy of Tom’s book, Jesus’ High View of Scripture.